Funds are raised for...

How to donate...

The most effective and cheapest way to donate is via direct bank transfer using your online banking either for a single donation, or to set up a regular standing order.

To do this use the following details:

Account Name: Launceston Refugee Support Group
Account Number: 24335460
Account Sort Code: 30 94 91

(don’t worry if the name is too long for your bank’s form and gets truncated; so long as you have the account number and sort code correct we will get the money).

If you do make a direct donation in this way it would be most helpful if you could drop an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. stating whether you are a UK taxpayer (for GiftAid purposes) and so that we know where the money has come from - your details will be kept confidential to the Treasurer unless you say otherwise.

If you prefer to post a cheque then please make it payable to Launceston Refugee Support Group and send it to:

Frances Tippett, LRSG, Knighton Farm, Lewannick, Launceston, PL15 7QT

Gift Aid Form...


LRSG is a UK registered charity (no.1178812)
This means that we can get gift-aid on your donations if you are a UK taxpayer - that's 20% extra from the Government to us on top of everything you give. To donate please see the Donations page.

You can find details of our Trustees and organisation under About in the top menu.